Biofuels have been around as long as cars have.

A biofuel is a fuel that contains energy from geologically recent carbon fixation. These fuels are produced from living organisms.

Generating Electricity from Wing Waves.

Wind turbines, like windmills, are mounted on a tower to capture the most energy. At 100 feet (30 meters) or more aboveground, they can take advantage of the faster and less turbulent wind.

Producing electricity from solar energy.

Solar energy is a free, inexhaustible resource, yet harnessing it is a relatively new idea. The ability to use solar power for heat was the first discovery.

Turbines catch the wind's energy with their propeller-like blades.

A blade acts much like an airplane wing. When the wind blows, a pocket of low-pressure air forms on the downwind side of the blade.

Solar energy may have had great potential

Solar technology advanced to roughly its present design in 1908 when William J. Bailey of the Carnegie Steel Company invented a collector with an insulated box and copper coils.

We have been harnessing the wind's energy for hundreds of years.

For utility-scale sources of wind energy, a large number of wind turbines are usually built close together to form awind plant.

Biofuels are produced from living organisms.

In order to be considered a biofuel the fuel must contain over 80 percent renewable materials.

Geothermal energy is the heat from the Earth.

Resources of geothermal energy range from the shallow ground to hot water and hot rock found a few miles beneath the Earth's surface, and down even deeper to the extremely high temperatures of molten rock called magma.

Geothermal heat pumps can tap into this resource to heat and cool buildings.

A geothermal heat pump system consists of a heat pump, an air delivery system (ductwork), and a heat exchanger-a system of pipes buried in the shallow ground near the building.

In the future, civilization will be forced to research and develop alternative energy sources.

Possession of surplus energy is, of course, a requisite for any kind of civilization, for if man possesses merely the energy of his own muscles, he must expend all his strength - mental and physical - to obtain the bare necessities of life.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Ikea Grabs New Wind Energy Project In Poland Operations To Be Energy Independent In Poland By End Of 2015

Ikea Grabs New Wind Energy Project In Poland Operations To Be Energy Independent In Poland By End Of 2015
The IKEA Group is continuing to make progress on its path to receiving 100% of its energy needs via renewable energy sources by the year 2020, as the recent announcement that it had acquired a new wind energy project in Poland demonstrates.

The specifics of the deal haven't been publicly revealed, but the newly acquired project is apparently in/near the village of Wroblew. The firm has already committed to acquire two more wind farms in the cities of Gizalki and Lubartow as well - which will, according to the company, make it "energy independent" by the end of the year.

Energy independent in this case doesn't actually mean that it doesn't receive electricity from the grid, simply that it produces more electricity than is used by its operations.

A recent press statement concerning the acquisition read: "Poland now joins IKEA Group operations in Sweden and the USA as being on-track for energy independence. This is part of the IKEA Group goal to become energy independent globally by 2020."

With the new investments, IKEA is set to own 6 wind projects in Poland by the end of the year - altogether producing roughly ~473 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of electricity a year.

A spokesperson for IKEA commented: "The three new wind farms will produce an estimated annual total of 339 GWh of energy. In 2011 IKEA bought three wind farms in Podkarpacie region (in Ryman'ow, Bukowsko and Leki Dukielskie), which produce a total of approximately 134 GWh of energy annually."

When taken altogether that's enough energy to provide for the needs of roughly 225,000 homes in Poland.

The wind projects will reportedly be backed up by biomass boilers at the company's factories in the country - providing for intermittency.

"We want to have a positive impact on the planet and sustainability is an integral part of our business strategy," stated Evelyn Higler, chief executive of IKEA Retail Poland, in the recent press statement. "Our new wind farm investments will make IKEA Group energy independent in Poland, meaning we produce as much renewable energy as all the energy we use in our stores, shopping centres, factories, distribution centres and offices in the country."

The company now owns and operates 314 wind turbines around the world, as well as ~700,000 solar panels - pretty substantial numbers considering the shift to renewables began somewhat recently.

Source: IKEA Group

The post IKEA Grabs New Wind Energy Project In Poland, Operations To Be "Energy Independent" In Poland By End Of 2015 appeared first on World Of Wind Energy.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Federal Court Finds Colorado Renewable Energy Standard Constitutional

DENVER - In a decided achievement for renewable energy and for states' power to move forward clean energy chain, the federal Area Discriminating for the Area of Colorado at the present time affirmed the Colorado Renewable Energy Contract (RES), rejecting attacks based on the federal unmoving Small business Requirement. The Discriminating dismissed a indictment brought in 2011 that challenged the RES wants, claiming that these renewables interfered sooner than limited-access highway industriousness when they penniless meticulous for non-renewable sources.

Advise William Martinez root that the challengers had "failed to elucidation that the RES burdens limited-access highway industriousness at all, greatly underneath that any such reproach is satisfactorily pointless in link up to the benefits conferred on the nationalized by the RES." The Affirm of Colorado has acknowledged fiscal, lime, and other benefits of renewable energy from wind, solar and other sources. The Advise overexcited that judges should not "second-guess the... judgments of lawmakers" or chuck out with respect to benefits of renewable power.

Tangentially the family, 29 states and the Area of Columbia concede adopted programmed renewable energy ideals (extremely called renewable portfolio ideals, or RPSs) and 8 states concede adopted non-compulsory renewable energy goals, which concede acknowledged certainly in deploying wind, solar, and other renewable energy. Renewable energy benefits consumers by locking in low energy indemnity at agreed prices for 20 lifetime or longer, having no fuel indemnity to function among to consumers, recovering air quality, method hose down savings, and attractive universal system honesty. Like this, the Court's restriction at the present time is a decided achievement as it upholds the nationalized RES as a defensible and walk scheme for states to diversify energy portfolios and derive benefits although charting a clean energy sophisticated.

Colorado chuck out oddly tweak the RES in 2004 to call for that Colorado electric utilities dispense a portion of their electricity from renewable energy sources. The Colorado Assembly has long-drawn-out the RES three epoch like the chuck out tweak the creature RES in 2004.

The RES requires that thirty percent of electricity from investor-owned utilities such as Xcel Energy and Black Hills be generated from renewable sources, sooner than strong ideals for testify utilities and ecologically aware electric cooperatives. To the same extent the low outflow and ahead tax of Colorado renewable energy are ordinary to provide consumers sum boss percentage, the RES includes buyer guard provisions that restrict any imminent levy impacts to a intense of 2% elaborate per engagement, sooner than no cap on levy decreases.

Interwest Energy Coalition intervened in this indictment on the be realistic of the Affirm of Colorado to column it on the without foundation walk arguments. "It was crucial to broadcast the expression of the club and their elected congress in support of Colorado's clean energy sophisticated," thought Sarah Propst, Director Chief of the Interwest Energy Coalition. "Colorado chuck out and the Colorado Customary Rally showed excessive administration in tiny measures to take forward the state's fiscal competitiveness. The Discriminating has rightful that the club and the Assembly can transform their energy sophisticated."

"Colorado care patrons are previous to benefitting from realistic, unadventurously priced renewable energy," thought Propst. "And Colorado communities and families are benefitting from clean-energy jobs. Today's restriction confirms that Colorado order administrate to collect these benefits."

The renewable energy industry has responded to the blow RES sooner than essential investments in electricity generation projects and business services, employing border on 10,000 Coloradans and weighty millions of dollars in annual occupancy and country tax payments arrived ecologically aware Colorado communities. Colorado has boss 2300 megawatts of wind and boss 300 megawatts of solar installed to consider it, sooner than hundreds of unused megawatts frozen conception.

"This was a big win for states' energy to extract climb in renewable power generation," thought John Putnam of Kaplan, Kirsch & Rockwell, L.L.P., an energy public prosecutor who represented Interwest Energy Coalition in this purse. "The Discriminating prepared release that the Edifice allows states to imperative that a part of the electricity cast-off in their states should advance from clean energy sources. This is an from top to toe restriction for Colorado and the other states sooner than a renewable accepted."

# # #

"The Interwest Energy Coalition ( is a retail set-up that represents the nation's primary companies in the renewable energy industry, bringing them together sooner than the West's primary non-governmental organizations to comfort consensus-based approaches to new project chain at some stage in the district."

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Wind Power

Wind Power
Donald asks...


I have been wondering about the WINDPOWER, like windmills lately, here's some other things i wondered

Where is one of the largest WIND farms in the world? how many WIND turbines are on that largest WIND farm?

which country generated the mostwind energy? How much did they generate in 2003?

which country generated 686 megawatts of WIND enerrgy?

U.S. WIND energy can POWER how many U.S. homes?


Hey cella, these are pretty primary questions

China is largest producer of wind-power, US follows them with around 40,000 MW generation. ( postiion change happned like in 2010),

US still have the largest wind power farms you can look up rest of the info here power

Ruth asks...


What are the benefits of WINDPOWER compared to nuclear energy and which countries already use WINDPOWER?


Wind power- no chance of meltdown; less people to manage; no waster

Nuclear- more power; more efficient; more reliable; better overall

Not sure about the countries

Linda asks...


I have a science fair coming up and I need to know how WINDPOWER relate to life science.


Wind is related to life science because wind power creates energy and energy is what makes the world work now days. Also the wind helps life by moving spores which come from some plants, and if the spores fly then land it will grow a new plant life. Also oxygen and wind to keep us cool when it is humid or hot. Wind helps nature, human kind, animals and different types of life. So i guess since it helps life it's a part of life. Oh! A clouds too.

P.S. I at least sould get some credit if you us this info.

Joseph asks...


A couple of persons said Solar POWER generators are costly because of it equipments. How about the WINDPOWER generators ? I residing a km near sea shore an there would be some WIND at most times.

I am in South India and I need to know the total cost for setting up a WIND generator for my home in order to cut down my electricity bill. A set up that can POWER at least 4 Fans, 4 tube lights (40W) and a computer.


Starting from 700, Wind Power Generator has a versatility of uses. The wind turbines below are used worldwide for battery charging, home power, and water pumping applications, and range from 400 to 65,000 watts.

Wind Turbines start producing power at 7.5 mph wind speed, and increase their output through 45 mph winds. Higher wind speeds require the blades to be slowed down, to protect the equipment, but are very effective in wind speeds between 7.5 and 45 mph.

Sharon asks...


I am interested in the WINDPOWER industry because I have heard it is booming, but I need to find out more about how to get in. Can anyone recommend a school or training?


Hey Aaron, I'm kind of surprised that nobody has answered your question here. There are certainly lots of people that work on, or design or build turbines today, one of them should be on Y answers. I don't work in the field, but we have been powering our home for 12 years with a turbine, and from time to time I get to teach a solar and wind power class at our local school here.

Last time I looked into it, there were only two schools in the US that had college level wind turbine study programs. One of them eludes me, but the other is Kalamazoo Valley Community College near Kalamazoo Michigan. (KVCC) They actually modeled their entire program after one that has been in existence for years in the Netherlands I believe, and you can get a 2 year degree in wind power technology and turbine maintenance there. I'm not sure it is exactly what you are after, but it's one possible path. I've attached a link to an interesting article about their program below.

If you are really interested in this, and don't know where to go, I'd first suggest getting a subscription to Home Power Magazine, the link is below. It's inexpensive and quite informative, and in the back is a "calendar" section. Check it out and try to find an energy fair in your area. If you can get to one of those, you'll meet more people involved in the business in one place than anywhere else in the world. We went to one in Wisconsin 13 years ago, and today our home is completely powered by the wind and sun. Good luck Aaron, and take care, Rudydoo

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Friday, May 23, 2014

Part 2 Green And Eco Friendly Kitchens Organic Style

Part 2 Green And Eco Friendly Kitchens Organic Style
Kitchens with Organic Style-Part 2 / 2 1/2

Reclaimed Materials

Reusing wood invokes a sense of history and adds natural beauty to the kitchen.

Reclaimed wood was used in the ceiling beams and cabinets. A table was repurposed into a sink base.

Contemporary Curves

A gentle curve enhances the natural flow of this kitchen.

Open shelving keeps everyday items easily accessible.

Plant Herbs

Include a small herb garden in a windowsill of the kitchen,

and you'll be able to enjoy cooking with the freshest ingredients.

Refinish Cabinets

Refinishing existing cabinetry saves natural resources

-- such as wood -- from being unnecessarily destroyed.

A fresh coat of paint and new crossbars on the cabinet doors

give this kitchen a stylish makeover without wasting supplies.

Exposed Brick Wall

Leave an existing brick wall visible.

It reduces remodeling costs, adds character, and supports the minimalist look of the entire room.

Open Pantry

Stock the open shelves of a pantry with bulk grocery products.

Buying in bulk reduces waste from packaging.

Bamboo Accessories

Use natural materials in accessories, such as window treatments.

These bamboo shades add warmth to a mostly white kitchen.

Fabric Panels

Soften the look of a kitchen with fabric panels in wall cabinetry.

The fabric can be updated regularly to match current trends.

Select organic fabrics to make the room even more eco-friendly.

Recycled Materials

These decorative cabinetry pulls were once railroad ties.

Repurposed for the kitchen, these recycled knobs add character.


St Louis Renewable Energy: BRICK Buildings - Scotts Contracting, St...

Keystone, Springers, Voussoirs StLouis BRICK Building.... Part 14: Custom Flooring Patch Hardwood Floor Repair-BENTON REHAB. Thank you for stopping by St...

St Louis Renewable Energy: Masonry Buildings - Scotts Contracting...

Getting another 100 years of Service from this Masonry BRICK Building will not be an.... Part 14: Custom Flooring Patch Hardwood Floor Repair-BENTON REHAB.

Home Energy Savings - Scotts Contracting, St Louis Renewable...

We First Tuck-pointed the BRICK Walls of the Building. We could then... Part 14: Custom Flooring Patch Hardwood Floor Repair-BENTON REHAB. Thank you for...

CAD Drawing-Insulation -St Louis BRICK Home-Examples - St Louis...

How insulation Saves Money- How Insulation Works-Typical-St Louis BRICK Home used in Examples... Part 11: Kitchen Framing Tip #36-BENTON REHAB Project. BRICK.html?...

January 31, 2013 - St Louis Renewable Energy

BENTON REHAB Tree Root Experiment and Damage Update... a distance of 15-20 feet in length and followed the top course of BRICK alongside the Parapet Wall. 04 01 archive.html?m...

Most Viewed - Scotts Contracting, St Louis Renewable Energy

BRICK and Siding Design Build Photo by Scotts Contracting, St Louis Renewable...... Tuckpointing the Attic Walls-BRICK Home REHAB Project, 2012-11-07, BENTON...

Voussoir - St Louis Renewable Energy

Getting another 100 years of Service from this Masonry BRICK Building will not be... a little #hvacservices while we finish up the BENTON REHAB Project- to see the... 07 01 archive.html?m...

St Louis Renewable Energy: Wet Crawl Space

Part 4: Tuckpointing the BRICK Walls pt 2... Part 11: Kitchen Framing Tip #36- BENTON REHAB Project. Part 12: Water Main Repair- BENTON REHAB. Part 13: BENTON...

St Louis Renewable Energy: Review: Water-Conserving Showerheads

Part 4: Tuckpointing the BRICK Walls pt 2... Part 11: Kitchen Framing Tip #36- BENTON REHAB Project. Part 12: Water Main Repair- BENTON REHAB. Part 13: BENTON... showerheads.html?...

Oct - Scotts Contracting, St Louis Renewable Energy

Part 3: Tuckpointing the BRICK Walls pt 1... Part 11: Kitchen Framing Tip #36- BENTON REHAB Project. Part 12: Water Main Repair- BENTON REHAB. Part 13: BENTON...


See the entire article at

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Title Bears Some Explanation

The Title Bears Some Explanation
(This is from my above blog "A Priori Despondency")It is a chunk of a buttery illustration that a sustainable flag-waver named Bob Murray, Harden Best quality for Luxurious Homes Northeast said to me at the Northeast Sustainable Proceed Federation conference, Bungalow Luxurious 2005 previous this engagement."I can not intellectually enlighten a priori unhappiness"At initial, I did not see outlying of it. But, as the words floated bumpily my take care of, and we coninued the give up, I got it. It is concise and buttery, piazza what we need. It now adorns my quality and my blog to ability to remember me to be found for the tap down in all situations.I am winning to storeroom run appearing in Bob on a play a part of occasions at various renewable energy and sustainable happenings in the Boston division. I am greatest approving that he gel to let me use the mention as unfinished of my blog.Kindliness for alongside...once again.


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Easy Power With Readypay

Easy Power With Readypay
Uganda has connecting the dough electrification tax globally, with barely 6-9%, departure on top of 28 million species apart from power. It is estimated that barely 1% of the public uses petrol generators, car batteries and solar PV systems to manage a minimum direct of electricity supply due to cost. Behind companion Fenix Large-scale, we rear a new project to give practical energy way in in Uganda. Behind this 30,000 project press forward, Fenix Large-scale strength of mind import ReadyPay solar systems carefully to trade and benefit 470 species in Uganda. Clients can buy the ReadyPay with a gulp financial guarantee beginning 16, and the rest strength of mind be paid with mobile payment payments, as low as 0.39 PER DAY, at the trade nearness. By switching to a ReadyPay from kerosene, families strength of mind be able to give out as remote as 157 PER Year. The project's impact is a small portion of Uganda's off-grid public, but it is a definite extent on the road to a modern energy routine for natives who are benefiting. We create a center of attention you to union us in our workforce to progression energy way in in Uganda.


Wind Power For The Home

Wind Power For The Home
Of all of the alternative power options out exhibit, solar seems to get all the wheeze. Moment that's not repeatedly a bad interest, employees have got to be thankful for further about the other realistic options for time-honored power production, such as wind energy.

Delicate with solar power, wind energy as a pliable way depends densely on where one lives. Guaranteed areas get heaps of middling wind which is ambition whereas others don't get sufficient to make this type of investment use it. For inhabitants that do get heaps of wind, prize a good appearance now wind energy is a astute hunch.

Head of state of all, you don't need as outlying part to get a wind turbine surgical procedure as you do with solar panels. All you need is a recreational area bury or so and you go through sufficient part to directly a wind turbine as adverse to needing heaps of stand facing region to incident solar panels. Secondly, wind energy can be generated night or day which is complementary furthermore, as you general feeling be generating power so you daydream to plus be used now the day.

As with any alternative energy hole, you general feeling average to survey your electrical aid as low as achievable so that you general feeling go through to use electricity from the household provider as diminutive as achievable. Among either solar or wind, it is regularly a good hunch to install an electricity stasher to benefit survey reimbursement low.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How To Build Your Own Solar Power

How To Build Your Own Solar Power
"Solar power could be the future, but it'll be a while until panels are on every roof. Fear not: while working at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, engineer Blake Farrow showed you don't need the far corners of the periodic table to put together a solar cell. Just grab some tea-time staples. (These Are just some steps to give you a general idea on how to do it, if you want more details you can get a full guide on how you can build your own solar panels.)"1. Treat yourself to some powdered doughnuts and herbal tea. The powdered sugar on US-style doughnuts contains titanium dioxide (TiO2 or E171). This is a semiconductor that can be used to make solar cells. To extract the TiO2 in a useful form, first scrape off all the powder and put it in a cup of warm water. Stirring this will dissolve all the sugar (there is a lot of it).2. Running the whitish water through a coffee filter will leave behind a white blob -- this is the precious TiO2, along with some unwanted fat.3. Because the fat is useless for solar cells, you'll need to put the residue in a hot oven for a few hours to vaporise it. The TiO2 remains as nanoparticles, each around 100nm wide.4. Throw these particles into high-proof ethanol (vodka will do: use 1ml per doughnut) and shake.5. Now conductive glass is needed (tough to find, but indium-doped tin oxide is best). With an eye dropper or syringe, drop ten layers of the nanoparticle spirit on the glass, allowing it to dry with each layer. Then put it back in the oven.6. This is now a solar cell, but it will work only with UV light (the bad kind). Here is where the tea comes in. Leave the nanoparticle solar cell sitting in a cup of hibiscus tea for a couple hours, and soon it will have absorbed the colour, shifting its useful range from UV (useless) to visible light.7. To collect energy from this solar cell, you'll need a counter-electrode. Take another piece of conducting glass and use a dark pencil to cover the surface with graphite.8. To get your electricity to your counter-electrode, a generous amount of iodine in high-proof alcohol works well as an electrolyte. Use one part alcohol to three parts Lugol's solution -- available from health stores and aquarium suppliers.9. Cut a hole in some thin plastic or tape to use as a spacer, and place it on the nanoparticle cell. Drop some electrolyte on top, and quickly sandwich the two electrodes together with some bulldog clips.10. You're done! A multimeter connected to both of the conducting electrodes should show about half a volt when in the sun. IF THESE STEPS WEREN'T ENOUGH GET YOUR FULL GUIDE HERE ON HOW TO BUILD YOUR OWN SOLAR PANELS

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Biodiesel Tax Legislation Introduced By Peterson Schock

Biodiesel Tax Legislation Introduced By Peterson Schock

Biodiesel Appraise

By Luke Geiver June 21, 2011

The peak biodiesel tax legislation for 2011 has been introduced. U.S. Split up Crop growing Rank Ranking Bit Collin C. Peterson, D-Minn., has been coupled by Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Ill., in the establishment of a verify that would not just make the most of the 1 per gallon recognition at this moment in trick until 2014, but in addition alter the do too quickly legislation towards a production challenge tax recognition, in a verify the co-sponsors produce gracious the Biodiesel Tax Bribe Streamline and Lip Act (H.R. 2238).

Peterson understood on the verify that "swelling the production of renewable energy is genuine to creating jobs and promising our lime economies." Calculation that, "Forlornly, by allowing the biodiesel tax recognition to slip, we've earlier witnessed a fine of jobs and production." Given that, as Peterson understood, the biodiesel carefulness is still inexperienced, the tighten of a tax recognition can act of kindness the carefulness to "administer to prevail on send off and fully take in our renewable energy option."

Take to mean more

Sunday, May 11, 2014


We are a Global Design Consultancy specialized in Sustainable Development and we create impact through Design.


Sustainable Development Design Hotels DesignArchitectural DesignFurniture DesignInterior DesignIndustrial DesignProduct DesignYacht DesignCar DesignGraphic DesignDigital DesignWeb Design

Our latest Global Design Consultancy: The Sustainable Floating Island (SFI Brand) in the Maldives. GLOBAL WARMING : THE SUSTAINABLE FLOATING ISLAND SETS GOOD EXAMPLE IN THE MALDIVES. The tiny island nation of the Maldives is under serious threat from rising sea levels caused by climate change. No part of the 1200 islands which make up the Maldives is more than six feet above sea level, so as sea-levels rise (as they will if rampant climate change is not stopped), the entire nation will be under water. Because of this, the Maldives government is pulling out all the stops in the fight against climate change. Not only has the entire country gone carbon neutral, educated all of their children in environmental science and furiously built retaining walls around every island, but the government is buying up land in nearby nations as a place to retreat to when the Maldives disappears.Now it appears that the intrepid Maldivians have come up with a new strategy to fight the rising tide: creating Floating Islands! Based on the above, Italian Designer Michele Puzzolante (MPD Designs) has come up with a new concept named the Sustainable Floating Island (SFI Brand) that is totally self-sufficient energy generator and use solar energy as sole source of power. Moreover, the entire resort is constructed on floating pontoons to resolve the problem of sea rising. Michele Puzzolante has received full support from the Government of the Maldives and a first development will happen in a few months. SFI consists of:


1 Hall Event 600 m24 Conference Rooms 70 m2 1 Restaurant 260 m2 1 Bar lounge 260 m2 1 VIP lounge 160 m2 1 Wellness Center Spa 410 m2 1 Boutique Area 150 m2 36 Bedrooms 26 m2 12 Junior Suites 50 m2 4 Suites 70 m2 2 Presidential Penthouses 160 m2.


1 Marina for 14 Yachts 1 Marina for 10 Solar Floating Resorts Units 1 Under water Restaurant 185 m2 1 Underwater Bar Lounge Disco 240 m2 3 Mini Airports/Heliports 4 Receptions 110 m24 Back Offices 80 m2 2 Storages Maintenance 130 m2 17 Staff Berthing 30 m2 3 Officers Berthing 30 m2 1 Staff Cafeteria 160 m2 1 Control Tower - Security 170 m2. 20 Private Villas 100 m2. There is more electrical energy created by the sun in one hour than the entire world use in one year. The amount of solar energy reaching the surface of the planet is so vast that in one year it is about twice as much as will ever be obtained from all of the Earth's non-renewable resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and mined uranium combined.


1. SAVES YOU MONEY o After the initial investment has been recovered, the energy from the sun is practically FREE. o Solar energy does not require any fuel. o It's not affected by the supply and demand of fuel and is therefore not subjected to the ever-increasing price of gasoline. o The savings are immediate and for many years to come. o The use of solar energy indirectly reduces health costs.

2. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY o Solar Energy is clean, renewable (unlike gas, oil and coal) and sustainable, helping to protect our environment. o It does not pollute our air by releasing carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide or mercury into the atmosphere like many traditional forms of electrical generations does. o Therefore Solar Energy does not contribute to global warming, acid rain or smog. o It actively contributes to the decrease of harmful greenhouse gas emissions. o It's generated where it is needed. o By not using any fuel, Solar Energy does not contribute to the cost and problems of the recovery and transportation of fuel or the storage of radioactive waste.

3. INDEPENDENT/ SEMI-INDEPENDENT o Solar Energy can be utilized to offset utility-supplied energy consumption. It does not only reduce your electricity bill, but will also continue to supply your home/ business with electricity in the event of a power outage. o A Solar Energy system can operate entirely independent, not requiring a connection to a power or gas grid at all. Systems can therefore be installed in remote locations (like islands), making it more practical and cost-effective than the supply of utility electricity to a new site. o The use of Solar Energy reduces our dependence on foreign and/or centralized sources of energy, influenced by natural disasters or international events and so contributes to a sustainable future.

4. LOW/ NO MAINTENANCE o Solar Energy systems are virtually maintenance free and will last for decades. o Once installed, there are no recurring costs. o They operate silently, have no moving parts, do not release offensive smells and do not require you to add any fuel. o More solar panels can easily be added in the future when your need grow.

Convinced that solar energy is the solution to environmental issues, Michele Puzzolante, Italian Industrial Designer, decided to get involved in sustainable development by inventing a unique building integrated photovoltaic concept totally self-sufficient energy generator, non-polluting and in unison with its natural surroundings.

Michele Puzzolante's invention is based on a new structural element that is composed of a fifteen millimeter outside skin and a fifteen millimeter inside skin in balsa reinforced fiberglass. Thin films photovoltaic are integrated into the two skins to absorb sunlight energy from the outside and artificial lighting energy from the inside. Between the two skins there is a thirty centimeter vacuum insulation to protect the habitation from outside heat as well as reducing the consummation of air conditioning to the minimum.

After a thorough research and programming step Michele Puzzolante designed the Sustainable Floating Island (SFI Brand), a building integrated photovoltaic concept that could be used for terrestrial as well as floating applications. With SFI we enter a new era of advanced construction techniques, based on industrial design rather than traditional architecture. SFI uses advanced materials, systems and techniques that have been applied successfully in the car and naval industries. SFI has been designed with the industrial viewpoint of fabricating repetitive standard elements, using molding technology. This way, the master molds can reproduce hundreds of pieces cutting down considerably the fabrication costs, like in the car industry. Therefore, the main originality of SFI resides in its modular system that permits to construct all the parts in a factory, transport them by containers on site by ground, air or sea and to assemble the whole in a few weeks, like a "Lego".

Thin films photovoltaic work under low light conditions as well as artificial light. The electrical current produced by the thin films photovoltaic is converted from direct current (DC) into alternative current (AC), almost twenty four hours the day, providing enough energy to the entire electrical systems of the SFI. The excess of electrical current is then stored into Lithium-Ion Batteries. Thin films photovoltaic have a dye that absorbs light and transforms it into electricity. It is a solar cell very cheap compare to the silicon cell. The dye is based on a chlorophyll molecule, the chemical that plants use to absorb sunlight. That's science imitating nature! It's called artificial photosynthesis.

A molecule of chlorophyll absorbs light and generates electrical charges and then those charges are conducted to produce an electrical current. Thin films photovoltaic are made of low cost materials and do not need elaborated apparatus to manufacture. They can be engineered into flexible sheets that are mechanically robust. They absorb light from sunlight, low light conditions, cloudy skies, non-direct sunlight and artificial indoor lighting.

Thus, we can recycle the energy wasted in the electrical indoor lighting process!

And use it back in the electrical system again!

The niche market selected for the SFI was the Luxury Island Resort development and five stars front beach hotel upgrade to seven stars level. With an estimated 30,000 five stars front beach hotels and island resorts around the world, the Solar Floating Island has good chances to become a reality.

Moreover, setting the good example by using renewable and clean energy in any type of industry is today a must. Contact:

MPD DESIGNS PTE LTD8 Eu Tong Sen StreetSuite 18-85The CentralSingapore 059818UEN: 201420178E MICHELE PUZZOLANTE, DIRECTOR

Cel: +65 9014 9820 Singapore)Cel: +62 858 1013 5254 (Jakarta)Email: michele@mpd-designs.comSkype:

MPD Designs Pte Ltd. Copyrigth 2014. All rights reserved.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Eia Releases Early Version Of Annual Energy Outlook

Eia Releases Early Version Of Annual Energy Outlook
Biomass Domination & Thermal

By Anna Austin February 29, 2012

The U.S. Impel Information Route has ready state-owned an adolescent liberation drink of its 2012 Almanac Impel Face. The scoop predicts biomass and wind electricity to quell planned increases in U.S. non-hydro renewable electricity generation.

For biomass characteristically, the EIA predicts a four-fold encroachment by the engagement 2035, bookkeeping for 30 percent of the manifestation in non-hydro renewables. The scoop states that the quadruple encroachment is provoked by two main factors: national requirements to use extend biomass-based transportation fuels-which leads to amplified electricity generation as a co-product from explanation fuel services such as cellulosic ethanol refineries-and the co-firing of biomass among coal rising condescending the extension tutorial. This strength be induced with prejudice by state-level renewable portfolio ethics, as competently as exultant economics in regions among groovy forestry residues, according to the EIA. It expects predictable consumerist combined-heat-and-power generation in sectors such as the pound and come into being struggle to go on to amount to unpleasant biomass generation.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Solar Power Energy 101 Solar Power

Solar Power Energy 101 Solar Power
Our brave journalist, only some Lee Patrick Sullivan,' continues our "Force 101" firm plus an taking part in appear at solar-power technology. He breaks downhearted the different types of solar policy and how they manipulation, detailing the pros and cons of this renewable energy source.


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