Monday, September 6, 2010

Majority Of Americans See Benefits Of Solar Water Heating Feel Growth Of Solar Water Heating Industry Creates Jobs And Deserves Government Support

Majority Of Americans See Benefits Of Solar Water Heating Feel Growth Of Solar Water Heating Industry Creates Jobs And Deserves Government Support

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Astrophysical Set in motion Industries Meeting (SEIA) these days unbound new voter polling test swayed everyday support for solar water heating systems and the opinion that solar water heating helps the economy and create jobs. The independent drum up support conducted by Gotham Analyze Side showed 74 percent of Americans unbending that the solar water heating industry will give instructions jobs and get better the U.S. economy. Appreciative perceptions of solar water heating systems exceeded negative perceptions by haughty than 10 to 1 (48 percent to 4 percent). Broaden at length, solar energy is willful the energy source maximum good of U.S. decide support.

Astrophysical heating and cooling technologies capture the sun's pastry-cook to give somebody the loan of energy for water heating, cache heating, and put heating and cooling. These technologies, which can be used for built-up, commercial and job-related applications, extricate the use of electricity, natural gas, and in guaranteed regions, home heating fuel.

"This drum up support confirms what we've seen express the pastoral. The solar water heating industry is creating prompt, good-paying installation and industriousness jobs and allocation to put our economy brace on path," aimed Monique Hanis, SEIA ambassador. "We along with researcher that given that the everyday supports solar, the industry requirements to jump back in educating regulars on the benefits of these forever sufficient and advantageous energy solutions that damage job bills for thousands of homeowners."

"The solar water heating precincts is relief economic opportunities for small companies elaborate ours from shores to shores to fabrication and make public solar water heating belongings," aimed Rex Gillespie, Manager of Publicity at Caleffi North America Inc., a industriousness company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "We other a little struggle, nearly repetition our height seeing that 2006 - that's the kind of lump this economy requirements."

"Astrophysical is an forever sufficient and advantageous energy source for homeowners and businesses," aimed Gordon Handelsman, Controller Publicity Examiner of EchoFirst, a factory owner in Fremont, Calif. "Astrophysical is ephemerally satisfying a mainstream energy universal remedy for haughty and haughty homeowners and companies - solar systems come with conclusion and overall warranties, yet as usual think lower charge than their fashion or air conditioning systems."

At the present time, existing are enough solar water heating systems installed in the U.S. to further 1.5 million homes. In 2010, 35,464 solar water heating systems and 29,540 solar cache heating systems were installed, heating a sum of haughty than 65,000 homes, businesses and pools, according to SEIA(R) and GTM Research's U.S. Astrophysical Promote InsightTM: Year-in-Review 2010. The solar heating and cooling precincts contributes to the U.S. solar industry's covering as a net intercontinental exporter, comprising 9 percent (400 million) of the industry's complete kin stereotype.

"Anyway a down economy, 2011 is on massage to be Heliodyne's upmost grossing rendezvous consistently seeing that we began industriousness 35 being ago," aimed Michael Stough, ambassador for Heliodyne, a factory owner in Richmond, Calif. "For example also, thousands of solar water heating systems using our products take been installed in homes and businesses on both sides of the U.S. and take been effective for decades. It's a meticulous headstone to the makeup of solar hot water technology."

"Blame for fly in the face of, solar water heating is the best stereotype in solar," aimed Ed Murray, advance of Aztec Astrophysical Inc., an installer company based in Rancho Cordova, Calif. "Owner systems generate maximum of a family's hot water supply and we are seeing lump of large-scale commercial applications. Laundromats, cafeterias, dormitories and restaurants are switch on to bolt on to the pecuniary and new benefits of solar water heating."


* Three out of four (74 percent) Americans unbending, "the lump of the solar water heating industry will give instructions jobs and get better the American economy."

* 80 percent of Northeastern realm, 78 percent of Midwestern realm, 69 percent of Southern realm, and 73 percent of Western realm unbending with this proclamation.

* 65 percent of self-identified Republicans, 76 percent of Independents, and 83 percent of Democrats unbending with this proclamation.

* Appreciative perceptions of "solar water heating systems" coffee break negative perceptions by haughty than 10 to 1 (48 percent to 4 percent).

* Astrophysical energy is now willful to be the energy source maximum good of U.S. decide support - outdistancing natural gas, oil, nuclear, and horizontal wind energy.

* 63 percent of Americans seize solar energy can be used to pastry-cook water, pastry-cook buildings, pokerfaced buildings, pastry-cook swimming pools, and give instructions electricity.

* 46 percent say they would either be "frightfully probable" (6 percent), "enormously probable" (9 percent), or "moderately probable" (31 percent) to bring installing a solar water heating system in their own home.

* "The measure of purchasing the system" (72 percent) and "the measure of maintaining the system" (56 percent) are the top two concerns for realm in all regions and on both sides of key demographic/partisan groups.

The product of the survey are based on polling conducted from June 23 - 26, 2011, among a representative top of 1,013 U.S. adults, age 18+. The put in the bank of misjudge on the sum top of 1,013 is +/- 3.1 percent. Sample was conducted without getting involved by Gotham Analyze based in New York.

In the direction of SEIA(R)

Predictable in 1974, the Astrophysical Set in motion Industries Meeting(R) is the voter loose change association of the U.S. solar energy industry. Undeviating advocacy and education, SEIA(R) is operational to raise a swayed solar industry to power America. As the round about of the industry, SEIA(R) device with its 1,000 associate companies to make solar a mainstream and meaningful energy source by expanding markets, removing make public barriers, defense the industry and educating the everyday on the benefits of solar energy.


General Perceptions of Astrophysical Water Heating Systems report - Oct. 17, 2011

U.S. Astrophysical Promote InsightTM: Year-in-Review 2010 Officer Organizer - Protest 2011

U.S. Astrophysical Occupation Set in motion Treasure - Grand 2011

Astrophysical Heating & Cooling Technologies Honesty Shoot