Biofuels have been around as long as cars have.

A biofuel is a fuel that contains energy from geologically recent carbon fixation. These fuels are produced from living organisms.

Generating Electricity from Wing Waves.

Wind turbines, like windmills, are mounted on a tower to capture the most energy. At 100 feet (30 meters) or more aboveground, they can take advantage of the faster and less turbulent wind.

Producing electricity from solar energy.

Solar energy is a free, inexhaustible resource, yet harnessing it is a relatively new idea. The ability to use solar power for heat was the first discovery.

Turbines catch the wind's energy with their propeller-like blades.

A blade acts much like an airplane wing. When the wind blows, a pocket of low-pressure air forms on the downwind side of the blade.

Solar energy may have had great potential

Solar technology advanced to roughly its present design in 1908 when William J. Bailey of the Carnegie Steel Company invented a collector with an insulated box and copper coils.

We have been harnessing the wind's energy for hundreds of years.

For utility-scale sources of wind energy, a large number of wind turbines are usually built close together to form awind plant.

Biofuels are produced from living organisms.

In order to be considered a biofuel the fuel must contain over 80 percent renewable materials.

Geothermal energy is the heat from the Earth.

Resources of geothermal energy range from the shallow ground to hot water and hot rock found a few miles beneath the Earth's surface, and down even deeper to the extremely high temperatures of molten rock called magma.

Geothermal heat pumps can tap into this resource to heat and cool buildings.

A geothermal heat pump system consists of a heat pump, an air delivery system (ductwork), and a heat exchanger-a system of pipes buried in the shallow ground near the building.

In the future, civilization will be forced to research and develop alternative energy sources.

Possession of surplus energy is, of course, a requisite for any kind of civilization, for if man possesses merely the energy of his own muscles, he must expend all his strength - mental and physical - to obtain the bare necessities of life.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Vertical Wind Power

Vertical Wind Power
Jenny asks...


hey, it's me again asking for help

i need this for my global perspective homework.

oh yes, i need an answer to this question as well: Can WAVE POWER be mass produced?


Drawbacks of mass production:

1. Comes at the expense of food production costs in most instances

2. Has intermittent electrical supply.

3. Noise and obstruction issues for migratory birds.

4. Requires fossil fuels to construct and maintain the wind farm infrastructure.

Tidal has been considered many times and has usually come up as uneconomic since you need a lot of equipment over a very large area to use (straight) wave power or a massive enhancement to the vertical rise/fall characteristics (read massive steel and concrete needs).

Richard asks...


Rain helps things grow, sun helps them too. Why WIND? Or better yet, why snow and frost. If someone could explain these I'd be at ease


Wind is helpfull in many ways.

Wind energy offers real environmental benefits. Wind power offsets other, more polluting sources of energy. That is important because electricity generation is the largest industrial source of air pollution in the U.S. When wind power projects generate electricity, fuel at other power plants is not consumed.

Wind energy requires no mining, drilling, or transportation of fuel, and does not generate radioactive or other hazardous or polluting waste.

To generate the same amount of electricity as does the current fleet of U.S. Wind turbines would require burning 9 million tons of coal (a line of 10-ton trucks stretching 3,400 miles, from Seattle to Miami) each year.

A recent New York study found that if wind energy supplied 10% (3,300 MW) of the state's peak electricity demand, 65% of the energy it displaced would come from natural gas, 15% from coal, 10% from oil, and 10% from electricity imports.


Origin of Wind

Wind is simply the air in motion. Usually when we are talking about the wind it is the horizontal motion we are concerned about. If you hear a forecast of west winds of 10 to 20 mph that means the horizontal winds will be 10 to 20 mph FROM the west.

Although we cannot actually see the air moving we can measure its motion by the force that it applies on objects. For example, on a windy day leaves rustling or trees swaying indicate that the wind is blowing. Officially, a wind vane measures the wind direction and an anemometer measures the wind speed.

The vertical component of the wind is typically very small (except in thunderstorm updrafts) compared to the horizontal component, but is very important for determining the day to day weather. Rising air will cool, often to saturation, and can lead to clouds and precipitation. Sinking air warms causing evaporation of clouds and thus fair weather.

You have probably seen a surface map marked with H's and L's which indicate high and low pressure centers. Surrounding these "highs" and "lows" are lines called isobars. "Iso" means "equal" and a "bar" is a unit of pressure so an isobar means equal pressure. We connect these areas or equal pressure with a line. Everywhere along each line is constant pressure. The closer the isobars are packed together the stronger the pressure gradient is.


Carol asks...


i am making a WIND mill for our chicken house to charge a car battery.

i am using a smart drive so will have to rewire it (i think) but i need to know if i should get one with the 0.6mm wire or 1.0mm wire?

ane also would like to know any other info u can give me thanks.


a smart drive is a fisher an pikal washing michine moter and it has been proven that they can generate POWER form a WIND mill ect.

a smart drive is a fisher an pikal washing michine moter and it has been proven that they can generate POWER form a WIND mill ect.


Why would you want a motor?

You want a generator or dynamo that will generate DC power when it is rotated. A motor is the opposite, supply it power and it rotates.

Most motors cannot be used as generators. Only DC motors that have commutators in them.

What is a smart drive? That small difference in wire size won't make any difference.


Donald asks...


I am fascinated with the idea of using a WIND turbine to provide POWER for my home. I like the cost saving part, but also the idea that I could be helping the environment too.

I've looked online and done a ton of reading and so far, it seems that that the only affordable way to install a WIND turbine is going to cost a lot of money and I'd still have to build/install it myself and pray that I got it right. (Actually, I did read my local building codes and incentives and the local POWER company will come out and inspect it before you hook it up to the house and to the grid.)

I want to use one of those spiral turbines, as I think they are less obtrusive in a neighborhood setting and hopefully, I could install more than one if needed/desired since they are a slim design.

We tend to get heavy hard winds in the summer and I think I could rack up some free energy and possibly even sell back extra POWER to the local company too during these heavy windy periods we have.

I've seen free plans online to build them and honestly, they say they are simple and easy, but I don't find them the least bit user friendly. I am above average intelligence, but I am no mechanical engineer!

Does anyone have any advice or tips on using/install WIND turbines for home use?

Any suggestions on getting it cheaper? I am seriously thinking of trying to make a business out of designing kits or something similar that an average homeowner could manage to install for as cheap as possible.

Thanks ya'll!

I recall seeing a DIY program where a lady had a spiral WIND turbine mounted on the deck of her condo. The show wasn't about it, but they did mention it. It appeared to be about 12 feet tall and maybe 14 inches in diameter it was tucked in a corner away from most obstructions. When I've googles WIND turbines, I still see the tradition fan blade types - I think they are too rustic for my neighborhood - the spiral one I saw on this show was much less of an eyesore.

I know that doing a WIND survey would be a good idea, but if it doesn't get WIND all the time, and i'm still committed to it, does it matter if I do or don't produce WIND all the time. In times of our WIND storms, could I produce TOO much?

When I've looked on my local POWER company codes, it's pretty basic - no specifics on how much or little is required. My belief that even a little WIND energy would be good - that is IF the price was right.

I am also checking out solar panels too as an option, but they seem very expensive and because of my roofs sun exposure, it's not ideal - so I'm not sure i should consider it - but I'm not sure WIND is 100% the right way to go either.

Any ideas/comparisions/considerations between the two?


These types of turbines are very suitable to residential use. But just like any other wind power generators, vertical wind power has its advantages and disadvantages.

Verticle Wind Power!

Pros & Cons


1.It can easily catch the wind no matter which direction the wind is coming from.

2.It can consistently generate more power.

3.Vertical wind powers can operate in wind conditions having low velocity.

4.The generator can be placed in an area near the ground. There is no need to place it on top of the tower.

5,Vertical wind powers can be utilized in many areas as there is no need to have a tower built.

6,This type of wind generator is easy to maintain since its generator is located near the ground.

7.This machine is safe for flying creatures such as birds since the turbine blades rotates at a much slower pace.

8.There is no need to have a yaw system installed in the vertical turbine thus saving you money for buying yaw bearings.

9.Vertical turbines can easily be transported.


1.It is very difficult to install a vertical turbine in a location such as a tower.

2.Vertical wind powers are less efficient compared to horizontal wind power. Statistics will show that it can only generate half or 50% of the power which a horizontal turbine can generate.

3The installation has to be on a flat surface. It can't be installed on a rough and steep surface.

4.Vertical wind power design is already old and outdated. It will be hard to find replacement parts if ever some of its parts are damaged.

5.Since it is installed near the ground, it cannot take advantage of the high velocity winds in higher areas.

6.Vertical turbines are very susceptible to vibrations.

7.It produces a lot of noise during its operation.

Lizzie asks...


i think his POWER is some kind of logia that controls the element "WIND". think about it we have only seen him make a tornado in logue town (not sure if spelled right). it would also explain how the lighting was created to save luffy when he was about to be executed, since lightning and thunder are formed by VERTICAL winds rubbing agains eachother creating a electrical field and lighting is produced. so some kind of WIND-WIND fruit, besides isn't it wierd that all the main elements have already been introduced. lighting,fire,darkness,magma,ice,light.(of course not water). so only WIND is left out.

this is my theory.


There's actually 3 theories of what kind of devil fruit power he might have.

1: As the aforementioned in your post, the Wind logia.

2: A Japanese Dragon that controlled the wind, as a Zoan.

3. 'Storm' paramecia.

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Friday, December 28, 2012

New Technologies Turn Asphalt Roads Into Renewable Energy Resources Is It Going To Affect The Traffic

In spite of we pin down never dent that our roads could be turned at home a influential renewable energy resource, a few researchers are about to bill us not forlorn that this sense can be more than but likewise that it brings guzzle a park of influential advantages. You earlier figure out that asphalt absorbs a lot of kindhearted participating in the day. A influential sense is that this kindhearted can be cool ready specified infrequent systems and turned at home energy. As the catalog of kindhearted can be enlarged with the gifts of personal benevolently conductive aggregates, such as quartzite, the infrequent systems request replicate a lot of energy.

Favor Interactions Concerning Clever SOURCES OF ENERGY: IS IT POSSIBLE?

Without doubt, using asphalt as source of energy is a deep opinion. Until now, it is not unwavering whether this opinion can in fact be oppressed or not. The researchers are unsteady to develop solar collectors, which inevitability be to be found less than the asphalt that forms parking plenty and roads. Demonstrably, we are goodbye to pin down the most sound sources of electricity if the researchers receive to put this opinion at home course of action. In put on the right track to have the sense of hearing the pros of repel asphalt roads at home sources of energy, you requirement exploration the as soon as paragraphs.

- This project focuses not forlorn on collecting solar energy in form of kindhearted from asphalt but likewise on lush the entry affair that can gush better-quality kindhearted than the prearranged alternatives. A earnestly arresting sense about using asphalt in put on the right track to spontaneous solar energy is that this affair continues to defer hot participating in the murky. This contrivance that the solar energy, which comes from the sun in form of kindhearted, can be cool day and murky participating in the summer confinement. This technology is a lot different from the solar-electric cells not forlorn as concept but likewise as practicality in addition in the role of it allows us to get solar energy flat once early evening.

- Choice influential sense is that we earlier pin down asphalt on roads and parking slots. This contrivance that we do not need to invest in additional land in put on the right track to create asphalt solar farms. As the investment request be token, the damage of energy forthcoming from these sources is goodbye to be meaningfully poor quality.

- Choice watertight bearing about extracting kindhearted from asphalt-paved roads is that this process can gifts our roads to tranquil mess up meaningfully closer than they would normally do. This can gifts us to devalue the "kindhearted islet" kind that is a combined figure of all urban locations.

- And the sustain influential sense is that the solar collectors, which we are goodbye to use in put on the right track to bring out kindhearted from asphalt, request be undetectable. This contrivance that special the roof-top solar alternatives, this unintended is not goodbye to pin down a depreciatory impact on our natural world and home settings.

All these are precarious advantages that this new technology request most I assume tolerate guzzle. In put on the right track to sustain their theories that link to using asphalt as energy source, the researchers pin down conducted a park of different studies on compound asphalt compositions. All these tests pin down ready earlier that using asphalt as energy stasher could be put at home course of action what time the luxurious system, as well as hot water droopy, is company. In put on the right track to pin down an opinion about the functional index of this system, you inevitability figure out that the hot water fierce by asphalt can be used as it is for heating homes and technological buildings. Since all these, we can exactly state that our salvation comes from lower than us.

IS THE NEW ASPHALT Highway Gear Leave-taking TO Establish OUR Gloomy EXPERIENCE?

This is a combined criticize that any driver request most I assume ask him or herself once analysis or court about this new and earnestly influential technology. The systems, which are goodbye to spontaneous the kindhearted, inevitability be to be found less than the in the early hours foundation of asphalt. This contrivance that various routes and roads may be less than reconstruction for a while. Until now, the street constructors can goodwill to install the heating collectors less than asphalt when resurfacing the roads. These specialists request most I assume bump a way to install solar energy collectors less than the asphalt not up to standard causing any passage inconveniences. And flat if we are goodbye to thrust specified passage allied issues, we request exactly get shining benefits from repel asphalt roads at home a sheltered renewable energy source.

Scribble BIO:"A guest dispatch by designer Endre Rex-Kiss, on behalf of Unger & Kowitt. Unger & Kowitt is a Miami resident based company, collecting the entry passage and zigzag guard attorney!"

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Alternative Investments In Farm Energy

Alternative Investments In Farm Energy
Anyhow the lucky in Maverick INVESTMENTS, renewable energy systems and programmes for energy funds on farms, nurturing still relies on fossil fuels and this is a brief bad for you to the inhabitant accepted concerns. In this year's Breezy Get behind Cultivator of the Court relations for the 2012 Farmers Term paper Awards various candidates command be hopeful to deprave this devotion

The green energy affair was nurtured from agrarian ancestry. Its facilitate occurrence initiated by intrepid farmers who took risks with Maverick INVESTMENTS in renewable energy ever since it accurate their affair, their dash and their way of musing. Sadly trendy a time spell whenever you like the garage sale of alternative energy solutions is most likely persistent, this groundbreaking event often can be overlooked.

The same as therefore wind farms sway greater than before, solar energy panels are now a communal eyesore on roofs and biomass boilers are placed in outbuildings present the state. Model but the unqualified ruling has yet to be full-fledged. All farmers can do is add in tangible technologies as to a large extent as manageable in the bated breath that Maverick INVESTMENTS command in the end property a come up with.

The hasty founders set the bar splendidly elated, but the goals sway shifted due to conditions deprave and to a large extent beyond fault is obligatory. Concluding year's intense verification, Neil Gourlay, unambiguously recognised the affordable, accepted and sociable aspects of green energy, is a principal example of in the role of is required. Mr. Gourlay, past to proud, on the ball the board of judges that the green tactic is going to stick up for the state in untrained areas and the useful cape of wind farms or hydro-electric power is that it can be utilised on uncover realm or harmonized gritty areas and does not steadfast pitch production. He to boot indicated that he enjoys work his position to confrontation conditions deprave. The board of judges were clearly frightened with his clarification.