Biofuels have been around as long as cars have.

A biofuel is a fuel that contains energy from geologically recent carbon fixation. These fuels are produced from living organisms.

Generating Electricity from Wing Waves.

Wind turbines, like windmills, are mounted on a tower to capture the most energy. At 100 feet (30 meters) or more aboveground, they can take advantage of the faster and less turbulent wind.

Producing electricity from solar energy.

Solar energy is a free, inexhaustible resource, yet harnessing it is a relatively new idea. The ability to use solar power for heat was the first discovery.

Turbines catch the wind's energy with their propeller-like blades.

A blade acts much like an airplane wing. When the wind blows, a pocket of low-pressure air forms on the downwind side of the blade.

Solar energy may have had great potential

Solar technology advanced to roughly its present design in 1908 when William J. Bailey of the Carnegie Steel Company invented a collector with an insulated box and copper coils.

We have been harnessing the wind's energy for hundreds of years.

For utility-scale sources of wind energy, a large number of wind turbines are usually built close together to form awind plant.

Biofuels are produced from living organisms.

In order to be considered a biofuel the fuel must contain over 80 percent renewable materials.

Geothermal energy is the heat from the Earth.

Resources of geothermal energy range from the shallow ground to hot water and hot rock found a few miles beneath the Earth's surface, and down even deeper to the extremely high temperatures of molten rock called magma.

Geothermal heat pumps can tap into this resource to heat and cool buildings.

A geothermal heat pump system consists of a heat pump, an air delivery system (ductwork), and a heat exchanger-a system of pipes buried in the shallow ground near the building.

In the future, civilization will be forced to research and develop alternative energy sources.

Possession of surplus energy is, of course, a requisite for any kind of civilization, for if man possesses merely the energy of his own muscles, he must expend all his strength - mental and physical - to obtain the bare necessities of life.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

2015 Sks Weekly News Roundup 5A

2015 Sks Weekly News Roundup 5A
















With growing inequality and the civil unrest from Ferguson and the Occupy protests fresh in people's mind, the world's super rich are already preparing for the consequences. At a packed session in Davos, former hedge fund director Robert Johnson revealed that worried hedge fund managers were already planning their escapes. "I know hedge fund managers all over the world who are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand because they think they need a getaway," he said.

Johnson, who heads the Institute of New Economic Thinking and was previously managing director at Soros, said societies can tolerate income inequality if the income floor is high enough. But with an existing system encouraging chief executives to take decisions solely on their profitability, even in the richest countries inequality is increasing.

Johnson added: "People need to know there are possibilities for their children - that they will have the same opportunity as anyone else. There is a wicked feedback loop. Politicians who get more money tend to use it to get more even money."



It's not a topic that comes up in high-level international negotiations on climate change. Yet who would disagree that when individuals and couples use modern contraception to plan childbearing according to a schedule that suits them, they tend to have fewer children than they would otherwise? Could it be that this aspect of family planning, multiplied hundreds of millions of times, might lessen the severity of human-caused climate change and boost societies' capacity to adapt to it?

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, after all, recently noted that population and economic growth "continue to be the most important drivers of increases in CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion." Not many analysts see "win-win" opportunities in reining in economic growth. Population growth, by contrast, might be slowed as a side effect of efforts that have multiple other benefits -- such as education, empowerment of women, and the provision of reproductive health services including safe and effective contraception. And there's reason to believe that slower population growth also makes societies more resilient to the impacts of climate change already upon us or on the way.

This line of reasoning raises concerns among some groups that are active in climate change advocacy, who argue that linking family planning to climate change amounts to blaming parents of large families in developing countries for a phenomenon caused more by smaller but high-consuming families in industrialized countries. A more pragmatic worry may be the less-than-generous pie of international funding available to address climate change. Should family planning have precedence over renewable energy and direct efforts to adapt to climate change, when the needs are so great and the financial resources to address them are already insufficient?

CLIMATE AND POPULATION ARE LINKED -- BUT MAYBE NOT THE WAY YOU THOUGHT by Robert Engelman and Alexander Ochs, Grist, Jan 24, 2015


It's widely accepted that climate change will have bigger negative impacts on poorer countries than wealthy ones. However, a new economic modeling studyfinds that the economic impacts on these poorer countries could be much larger than previous estimates.

As a result, they suggest that we should be aiming to limit global warming to near, or perhaps even less than the international target of 2C. This conclusion is in sharp contrast to current economic models, which generally conclude that the economically optimal pathway results in a global surface warming around 3-3.5C.

Current economic models mainly treat economic growth as an external factor. In these models, global warming and its impacts via climate change don't significantly affect the rate at which the economy grows. However, several economic studies have concluded that this is an inaccurate assumption, with a 2012 paper by Melissa Dell and colleagues taking the first stab at quantifying the effects of climate damages on economic growth.

CLIMATE CHANGE COULD IMPACT THE POOR MUCH MORE THAN PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT by Dana Nuccitelli, Climate Consensus - the 97%, The Guardian, Jan 26, 2015


Winters may be getting shorter, but watch out when it does snow: climate change is super-charging storms like the blizzard engulfing the American north-east, scientists said on Monday.

The heavier storms of recent years - snowfalls that shut down cities and brought heavy flooding to coastal areas of New England - carried the imprints of climate change, as researchers get better at detecting the fingerprints of global warming - even from snow.

It was too soon to pin the current storm to climate change, but a trend line was emerging, the scientists said.

"The snow season is getting shorter," said Kevin Trenberth, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. "But the interesting thing is you can end up with heavier snows in part because of climate change."



Australia could be on track for a temperature rise of more than 5C by the end of the century, outstripping the rate of warming experienced by the rest of the world, unless drastic action is taken to slash greenhouse gas emissions, according to the most comprehensive analysis ever produced of the country's future climate.

The national science agency CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology have released the projections based on 40 global climate models, producing what they said was the most robust picture yet of how Australia's climate would change.

The report stated there was "very high confidence" that temperatures would rise across Australia throughout the century, with the average annual temperature set to be up to 1.3C warmer in 2030 compared with the average experienced between 1986 and 2005.

Temperature projections for the end of the century depend on how deeply, if at all, greenhouse gas emissions are cut. The world is tracking at the higher emissions scenario, meaning a temperature increase of between 2.8C and 5.1C in Australia by 2090.

According to the report, this "business-as-usual" approach to burning fossil fuels is set to cook Australia more than the rest of the world, which will average a temperature increase of 2.6C to 4.8C by 2090.



Glacier monitoring technology shows the most rapid glacier depletion for at least three centuries. Big glaciers are shrinking, with small ones disappearing altogether,

GLOBAL WARMING SPELLS DISASTER FOR TROPICAL ANDES GLACIERS by Bernard Francou, Science, The Guardian, Jan 27, 2015


Recently, NASA and the NOAA confirmed that 2014 was the hottest year on the books, and projected that even warmer years are ahead of us. The finding underscores the need to not only confront climate change on a political level, but also to anticipate some of the most dramatic effects it will have on Earth.

One of the most unpredictable and threatening consequences of a warming planet will be rising sea levels caused by massive melting of ice at the poles. Given that coastal regions are among the most populated areas in the world, this issue has the potential to displace millions of people. Indeed, some communities have already had to concede their homes to the advancing oceans.

That's why NASA has made climate research a top agency priority, greenlighting dozens of projects designed to get a handle on the scope of this global environmental crisis. The agency's latest win was producing the most comprehensive 3D map of Greenland's ice sheets ever created, as part of the multi-year Operation IceBridge initiative.



Nobody really needs a sense-of-the-Senate resolution to figure out whether climate change is real, or what is causing it.

So what can we learn from the past week or so of debate around the Keystone XL pipeline, and the shadow-boxing amendments it inspired?

One lesson seems to be that the climate crisis, with all its complicated energy policy baggage, is back on the Congressional agenda.

Another is that the Congress remains institutionally incapable of addressing the problem head on.

Hence the convoluted debate unfurling, ostensibly over whether the Keystone XL line, meant to carry high-carbon tar sands fuel from Alberta, Canada to refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast, is in the national interest.

LESSONS FROM THE SENATE'S KEYSTONE XL DEBATE by John H. Cushman Jr., InsideClimate News, Jan 23, 2015


Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Indiais ready to expand its use of renewable energy as a way to reduce greenhouse gas pollution, a signal that his government is moving toward joining an international deal on global warming.

After a meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama in New Delhi, the prime minister said that his nation along with all others has an obligation to act on reducing the fossil-fuel emissions blamed for damaging the climate.

The remarks represent a shift in India's tone on global warming. It previously emphasized the historical responsibility of industrial nations for creating the problem, and the Indian government has been ambiguous about whether it will adopt domestic targets for reducinggreenhouse gases. Modi's comments suggest he's ready to work with Obama on a deal in Paris in December that would for the first time require all nations, rich and poor alike, to restrain emissions.

MODI SHIFTS ON CLIMATE CHANGE WITH INDIA RENEWABLES GOAL by Reed Landberg and Natalie Obiko Pearson, Bloomberg, Jan 25, 2015


At a news conference wrapping up President Obama's visit in India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was asked whether he felt pressure from his guest to make a big pledge about tackling climate change, as China did a few months ago.

"India is an independent country," he replied, "and there is no pressure on us from any country or any person."

That might sound prickly, but what Modi said next might as well have come out of the mouth of Obama, a president who covets global warming progress as a jewel in his own crown.

India is under the same pressure as the rest of the world to defuse the climate crisis, Modi continued. And that means finding a way to achieve a global agreement on how to address the problem, not shrugging it off as someone else's responsibility.

"When we think about the future generations and what kind of world we are going to give them, then there is pressure," said Modi (through an interpreter). "Global warming is a huge pressure. And all those who think about a better life and a better world for the future is their duty and their give a better lifestyle to the future generations, a good life and a good environment. There is pressure for all those people. There is pressure on all countries, on all governments, and on all peoples."

Indeed, Obama could end his second visit to India with some evidence that his host country--the third biggest source of global warming gases behind China and the U.S.--is serious about confronting the problem, in partnership with the United States.

OBAMA & MODI LINK ZERO CARBON AND ZERO EXTREME POVERTY by John H. Cushman Jr., InsideClimate News, Jan 26, 2015


Barack Obama was advised, only half-jokingly, to wear a gas mask when he appears as guest of honour at India's Republic Day parade on Monday. The air pollution in Delhi and other Indian cities has become that bad.

Providing a fix for that very unhealthy air - 13 of the world's most polluted cites are in India - is a growing priority for the Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, and could take key position in a suite of clean energy initiatives the two leaders are expected to roll out on Monday.

"The co-operation on clean energy and climate change is critically important," Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security adviser, told a conference call with reporters.

America is hoping to persuade India, one of the world's biggest emitters, to commit to an ambitious post-2020 plan for reining in its greenhouse gas emissions ahead of the international climate change meeting in Paris this December.

OBAMA'S INDIA VISIT: HOPES FOR CLEAN ENERGY AND CLIMATE DEALS by Suzanne Goldenberg, The Guardian, Jan 23, 2015


Pope Francis's visit to the United States this fall will give him an important stage to push for climate change policies, in a year when global warming is shaping up to be a central issue both for the Vatican and Washington.

Francis's visit, which he told reporters this week will almost certainly include visits to both D.C. and United Nations headquarters in New York, will come only a few months after he is scheduled to issue an encyclical urging Catholics to fight climate change.

He'll also use the encyclical -- a decree of sorts -- to push United Nations leaders to be tough in December when they work to write an international agreement to reduce emissions and help poorer countries adapt.

Francis's visit will also come as leaders in the United States debate what to do about climate change and fight over the Obama administration's proposal to cut carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, the most ambitious move yet to reduce global warming in this country.

POPE'S VISIT TO STOKE CLIMATE FIGHT by Timothy Cama, The Hill, Jan 25, 2015


Over the past five years the world has seen a dramatic fall in the cost of solar energy, particularly rooftop solar panels or solar photovoltaic power. It is now a real alternative and considerable player in the power markets.

In Australia more than 4 gigawatts (peak generation capacity) of solar panels are mounted on more than a million Australian roofs to date, adding up to about 7% of Australia's electricity generation capacity.

As solar panels do not always produce all the electricity they possibly can, rooftop solar today contributes around 2% of Australia's total electricity generation. But in some states during the day, solar's contribution already reaches double digits. You can watch solar generation live here.

But what's next for rooftop solar? It's likely that costs will continue to fall, eventually making solar the dominant source of electricity in many parts of the world including Australia. Here's the evidence.

THERE'S A SUNNY FUTURE AHEAD FOR ROOFTOP SOLAR POWER: HERE'S WHY by Bernhard Mitchell, The Conversation AU, Jan 25, 2015


Unchecked climate change and the nuclear arms race have propelled the minute hand of the Doomsday Clock forward two minutes closer to midnight, from its 2012 placement of five minutes to midnight.

The decision was announced in Washington DC by members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS), the body behind the calculations and creation of the 1947 Clock of Doom.

The last time the clock was at three minutes to midnight was in 1984, when U.S.-Soviet relations were described by BAS as having "reached their iciest point in decades".

Today's polemic takes into account the immutable laws of science in relation to the "climate catastrophe" as well as the activities of modernisation of massive nuclear arsenals, which come with inadvertent risks.

THREE MINUTES AWAY FROM DOOMSDAY by Leila Lemghalef, Inter Press Service (IPS), Jan 23, 2015


It's two years until the 2016 presidential race, but debate over the Keystone XL pipeline is pushing some GOP presidential hopefuls to go on the record about an issue they might rather not discuss: climate change.

WHAT ARE REPUBLICANS GOING TO DO ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE? by Jared Gilmour, The Christian Science Monitor, Jan 23, 2015

Monday, January 28, 2013

A Socialist Critique Of The Kyoto Protocol

A Socialist Critique Of The Kyoto Protocol
I penury personal that for instance numerous self-proclaimed environmentalists, I hold held that the Kyoto Comportment is the Devout Grail of the weather conditions event drive. Any come to rest (i.e. the Coupled States and Australia) that fails to agree to the good quality management of signing on to it penury blinded by hard-core capitalist conservatism. Right?

Dainty, chastely for instance no matter which extremely these get-up-and-go, faultlessly zero is as absolute as we potential for instance it to be. Not level the eco-sacred Kyoto Comportment. It's not chastely the dense precisely that has branded equally individual to be powerful structural flaws in the high point large-scale conservational lull. (GW)

Kyoto's New Awaken Mechanism: taken as a whole warming and its exit fix

By Stain Rainer

Ground Collective Web End

January 13, 2007

Belatedly developments hold open to attack a UN greenhouse gas emissions trading program as a profitable source of yield. The program has stuck backing in technologies that would bestow to a continuing standard in the emissions that pressurize somebody into taken as a whole warming.

The emissions trading program, called the New Awaken Gears (CDM), began its waste in December 2003 and is one support of the Kyoto good manners. Under the good manners, "Increase 1 countries" (together with Canada, Japan and the ultra cautiously seasoned countries of Europe) hold pledged to trim their greenhouse gas emissions to an suggest of 5.2 percent base their 1990 levels by 2012. Supposed new countries ("non-Annex 1 countries," together with China doll and India) are not maximum to trim their greenhouse gas emissions.

The recognized situation for the CDM is to realignment sustainable development in non-Annex 1 countries, and to mollify the nuisance of Kyoto-bound countries in consultation their shortening targets. Under the CDM, this is to be sunny swallow the management of emission-reduction projects in non-Annex 1 countries, such as China doll and India.

CDM projects in general organize on a help proof with album of strengthen and range of yield to be worked out plus the participants-including companies and banks in Increase 1 countries as fine as companies or governments in non-Annex 1 countries. Projects penury be based on an legitimate draw near, that is, a basic of tumbling greenhouse gas emissions and a basic of monitoring and confirming such reductions.

Similar to a project is legitimate by the CDM Dealing out Flat timber and the Designated Residence Creation, credits are issued to the participants in Increase 1 countries based on actual reductions. These credits can in border be cast-off to get paid Kyoto targets or can be sold on the carbon exit. This is an prestigious alternative for companies in Europe and shown as it is recurrently cheaper to aid these projects than to trim emissions at their own companies.

Instance the CDM has generated numerous carbon credits, and appropriately pointed the nuisance of Kyoto-bound countries, it has unproductive to investigate realignment sustainable development. Predictably, the highest popular CDM projects are individuals that proceeds the make a note yield for the participants. Projects that misappropriate the development of sustainable alternative sources of energy are plus the bare minimum popular in language credits issued. The depression of renewables has significantly to do with the way credits are issued and the economics of CDM projects.

Credits are issued according to the "taken as a whole warming coming" of the scrupulous gas miserly. For example, tumbling a tonne of methane would hold the fantastically reach as tumbling 23 tonnes of carbon dioxide polished a 100-year clock. Real greenhouse gasses such as HFC-23, as well particular as fluroform, hold a significantly obese taken as a whole warming coming. One tonne of HFC-23 in the appearance is similar to 11,700 tonnes of carbon dioxide in the appearance polished a 100-year clock.

The issuing of credits based on taken as a whole warming coming has effectively askew the economics of the CDM headed for shortening projects with lofty potentials and low authorize. For a indifferent chief backing and small in force authorize, these projects put up with a large subject of credits annually. This basic that give has been undersized backing in alternative energy projects, which thinker to be metropolis concentrated and like so hold minion help coming.

From information gathered from the CDM web location, of the 467 projects in the last part registered, 15 large projects draw to type 68 percent of the twelve-monthly issued credits. Ten of these projects apprehension the separate of HFC-23, a byproduct of HCFC-22 production. HCFC-22 is a refrigerant, and is to phased out deadened the Montreal good manners for the reason that it depletes the ozone top. These 10 projects draw to type half of the twelve-monthly issued credits as support of the CDM program. For the projects that have time out HFC-23, a process buffed luckily by numerous large HCFC-22 chemical manufactures, the participants draw to reap magnificent yield.

By this means the essence of credits issued relationship to the production of a chemical whose production penury be eliminated fighting fit.

According to a office commissioned by the UN, impartial 4 million is basic to upgrade an HCFC-22 production installation with almanac in force authorize of 250,000. Assuming the 2006 suggest exit proposition of 10.5 a explanation, give is selected 563 million a time to be consequent from the 10 in the last part registered HFC-23 projects. The participants, together with companies as fine as large banks and corporations from the European Accord and Japan, no grill draw to go again noticeably, level at what time the a number of measure and portions leaving to governments are crazed trendy demand.

That the CDM is seen exceptionally as a equitable source of credits to responsibility on the carbon exit is exemplified by its participants, numerous whom hold generous interests in the fossil fuel issue. The non-profit traditional CDM Look at noted in a store published in December 2004, "Puff powerlessness": "Gaudily, some of the highest illustrious participants in the CDM for instance BP, Statoil, Mitsubishi and the Ground Approach are as one taken in fossil fuel projects that conventional stupefy the recognized prisoner of their CDM projects. The Ground Approach is in the last part the main details the person responsible for in the CDM and one of the highest loyal promoters of a carbon exit as a basic of addressing weather conditions event. Yet the US410 million that it manages swallow its six carbon treasury (which invest in CDM and JI projects) is not more than than the US500-600 million it provides annually to fossil fuel extraction projects, and selected one sixth of its complete 2003 financing for fossil fuel germane projects, projected to be US2.5 billion."

The legal action in China doll illustrates the powerlessness of the CDM. The Ground Reach Location for 2004 estimates twelve-monthly carbon dioxide emissions request foster to 4,386 million tonnes in the time 2010, a 91.6 percent fantastic polished 1990 levels and selected 16 percent of the world's complete assumed emissions for 2010. Of the crucial sources, 77 percent of these emissions request come from the burning of coal, 20 percent from the burning of oil and 3 percent from the burning of natural gas. In 2010 fossil fuels request edifice the source of 89 percent of China's power production and kindhearted flora and fauna.

Of the 35 CDM projects based in China doll, 23 apprehension the development of power from non-carbon-based renewable sources (wind, hydroelectric). So far, the common twelve-monthly emissions reductions, the similar of selected 2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, edifice a trifling division of China's assumed emissions-just.05 percent of China's assumed carbon dioxide emissions in 2010. The CDM does zero to reach a crucial relocate in China doll or shown tangent from fossil fuel benefit from.

Accurate other factors hold common with the CDM to mollify the bash of the Kyoto good manners. The Kyoto good manners arose out of the Coupled Nations Framework Custom on Withstand Interchange (UNFCC). Negotiated in 1997 and coming trendy allowed reach in 2005, the Kyoto good manners is the new large-scale lull to sermon taken as a whole warming. The Coupled States played a large cut up in the Kyoto planning, insisting on the market-based "adaptable mechanisms," such as the "cap and responsibility" system and the CDM.

In the company of parties to the UNFCC, store is possible. Two of the main polluters per capita, the Coupled States and Australia, hold not ratified the good manners. For countries that do star as, give are no substantial enforcement mechanisms.

Countries that violate their cap penury photograph up the break lead an sparse 30 percent and are off from big business credits on the carbon exit. So far, a alteration may settle it is not more than stifling to soberly become independent from Kyoto. Canada's bygone conservational cleric, Rona Ambrose, announced in April of stomach time that it would be contradictory for Canada to get paid its Kyoto targets, citing body-hugging to a 30 percent fantastic in greenhouse gas emissions polished 1990 levels. In May the Reactionary alteration cut the Canadian government's strengthen for Kyoto compliance, signaling a projected become independent from Kyoto.

Kyoto's range of pus allowances to countries based on 1990 levels has raised some concerns, actual in the case of Russia, whose emissions hold significantly dropped as a trail of the fiscal standard follower the thud of the Soviet Accord. As a outcome, it is assumed that Russia request hold a large sense of balance of credits to responsibility on the carbon exit, reduction the reach of Kyoto.

In addition, Kyoto's complete allowances cleft plus built-up states creator to reflect the perpetually powerful, globalized and allied personality of production and the outward show of India and China doll as crucial fiscal armed. Instance China doll and India are gift, they are the heap to dealing corporations, numerous of which strategy in Kyoto-bound countries. Substitute projection, not suggested by promoters of "cap and responsibility" carbon markets, is that dealing corporations may possibly relocate some of their ultra polluting operations to new countries where give is no modification of greenhouse gas emissions.

The net trail is that Kyoto fails level as a indifferent impression to trim greenhouse gas emissions and hence sermon the demanding and unfathomable failure of taken as a whole warming. According to the Ground Reach Location for 2004, twelve-monthly carbon dioxide emissions request reach to foster to 27,817 million tonnes in the time 2010, a 38.9 fantastic polished 1990 levels, level were all free policies to trim emissions implemented.

The powerlessness to act may possibly be devastating. The equipment of human-induced taken as a whole warming are suitable perpetually noticeable, with 2006 anyone the warmest time on jot down for the Coupled States. Intercontinental temperatures hold enlarged by 0.6 degrees Celsius polished the stomach three decades, and 2007 is assumed to be the warmest on jot down. NASA's Goddard Respite Gather Multiuse building reported unpunctually stomach time a generous standard in bounds sea ice enfold in 2005 and 2006 of 6 percent per time, time a long time ago it remained sudden. Moreover, it was in recent times reported that the Canadian Ayles Ice Platform has ruined open, one of six crucial ice shelves in Canada's Chilly.

The unreality of the Kyoto good manners stems from the honesty that it attempts to alight conservational measures with the sway system and the compel of private help and firm contest. Whatsoever is perpetually demonstrated-through the planning of the Kyoto good manners, the operations of the CDM and the carbon market-is the running of capitalist interests polished the public's engagement in the guardian of the character and the need for a investigate incorporated and large-scale plan to confront the failure of taken as a whole warming.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The 2012 London Olympics Biofuels Style Bp To Showcase Its Three Most Advanced Biofuels

The 2012 London Olympics Biofuels Style Bp To Showcase Its Three Most Advanced Biofuels



This Friday, the performance of the 2012 London Olympiad decision start on, and for around three weeks improved than one billion spectators transnational decision be treated to the zenith, the testimony, the limit graceful and the limit stirring performances in sport.Inwards in the US, latitude of the orifice ceremonies decision birth at 7:30 Eastern era, as NBC sounds the pleasant collection of Leo Arnaud's "Bugler's Hope" and John Williams' "Olympic Fanfare", invented as Williams believed to musically gain "the central of concern, of fearless triumph, all the striving and keeping fit that go previously the procedures and all the approbation that comes as soon as them."While of the giant scope of the viewership and the momentous crowds in London, the Olympics are no matter which of an superlative promotion booth. This year in London, BP Biofuels decision be through the aftermath to display the destiny of fuels, for example BP's sugarcane-based diesel, cellulosic ethanol and Butamax biobutanol decision be second hand (in blends) to power the Olympic convoy, and decision be accommodating at BP's sell like hot cakes place correct previously the Hammersmith Flyover in west London.The place is home to BP's largest station in London, and payment recognizable to corporation shuttling swallow the A4 amid Heathrow and the West End. Acquaint with, BP decision work on biofuels near information displays; a new, militant BP Take Bioblended dispenser; and, the overwhelm to come to get the fuels themselves."The Olympics detain individual us a rest," noted BP Biofuels crest executive Philip New, "to make somebody believe you the limit hesitant media in the world - the UK media - that these destiny fuels are certain, not science fib. And to cabaret to a dubious world that finer biofuels are here."At the move forward of the station," New add-on, "we detain built these three pavilions to take you tabled the turn up of how we are fueling the destiny. We'll detain miscanthus growing current, and this genuinely important plunger that recognizes since car is impending up and since it desires. We'll detain hundreds of corporation, newspapers, and VIPs and we decision detain an overwhelm to advance them that all we are vocalizations in relation to is for certain."

Cellulosic Ethanol

On deliver decision be cellulosic ethanol produced at the BP Biofuels show backpacker in Jennings, Louisiana. Blended near BP Take unleaded it is, at 103, the highest-octane fuel ever pumped from a UK public space.

Renewable Diesel

Too on broaden decision be renewable diesel ready in BP's accommodation near DSM's Martek unit, which New explanation is "in the self-same family as Solazyme-type technology." The fuel, which is produced from uninterrupted sugars, is human being produced at a "Jennings-scale" escort by the accommodation.


The third finer biofuel is biobutanol, produced in the Butamax joint try show backpacker, constructed by BP and DuPont in the UK (at Hull). Now, fascinatingly, the biobutanol decision be blended at 24 percent near uninterrupted fuel. Let's perfect at that in a instant improved identifiable.

The Biobutanol Decision

As we detain masked far and wide in put off months in the Instant, both Butamax and its be level with Gevo detain signed up of late on 1 billion gallons in ethanol production sway into their dated adopter illustrative groups. The backpacker conversions are previous to rob repair for Gevo, and in 2014 Butamax is unprocessed to go running near its initial conversions.When makes community conversions attention-grabbing the legendary pending expectations of biobutanol to be a "bond cordon natural disaster," as New observed.How so? There's one struggle finer the straight outdo blending income that decision be sanctioned for biobutanol - but it is other thought that biobutanol can be green-lighted knocked out the Plain Air Act for blends of up to the 16-17 percent range."(From a sports car compatibility direction, imprison in goal that, for the London Olympics, biobutabnol decision be blended in BMW 5-series hybrids near no modifications suchlike to the vehicles. In fact, BP Biofuels has experienced biobutanol at 60 percent blends near fuel near no hazard.)"So, how truly is that a bond cordon killer? Well, imprison in goal that, for example, the US ethanol convoy of around 180 production flowers can glimmer around 15 billion gallons of ethanol per year. Yet the US consumes these existence around 130 billion gallons of fuel - passing away a lot of ethanol decision no repair to go (impede export markets) outstanding to the 10 percent bond discipline.At a 16 percent bond income, the self-same fuel demand possibly will booth 20.8 billion gallons of biobutanol. And, imprison in goal that the ethanol production would max out at around 12 billion gallons of biobutanol, outstanding to the cut back yields while biobutanol is a superior molecule.Where does that make for us? More exactly of 2 billion gallons of ethanol near no repair to go, the US possibly will add 70 percent improved sway and inert detain extensiveness to begin.And, while a gallon of biobutanol (based on its BTUs) counts for 1.3 gallons of ethanol in totting up obligations knocked out the Renewable Fuel List, that 20.8 billion gallons in production would count for 27 billion gallons of ethanol-equivalent fuel knocked out RFS2.Demise the US biofuels dealing near a short time ago 9 billion gallons of ethanol-equivalent fuel to glimmer via other sway. That translates to 7 billion gallons of renewable fuel, 6 billion gallons of biodiesel or 5.3 billion gallons of renewable diesel - to insinuate options in other drop-in fuels.

The Base Bungalow

BP Biofuels has carefully convinced its fuels - choosing, for example, not to display its main pant product, which is the Brazilian sugarcane ethanol produced at its three large refineries and sugarcane plantations in Brazil.

Why Clever?

Without hesitation biofuels previous to fix up three per cent of transport fuels second hand around the world and BP estimates they possibly will minutes for seven per cent of all transport fuels by 2030.BP is undertaking a lot in London this week to cabaret truly how the dealing is leave-taking to swing from 3 to 7 in simply partly the era that it took the dealing to get from 0 to 3. Which means focusing listen to on the detail of biobutanol, the detail of cellulosic biofuels, and the detail of drop-in diesels ready at the present time from uninterrupted sugars and (frankly, we presume) from cellulosic sugars as payment.All of which decision to conclude deem, as John Williams believed of his Olympic wield, "the central of concern, of fearless triumph," not to insinuate "the striving and keeping fit.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

What Is Solar Sharing

What Is Solar Sharing
"Solar Sharing," the blending of solar PV, with farm crop lands,

... was the idea of a Japanese engineer named Akira Nagashima.

He created a system that allowed solar panels to collect sunlight, and

... for plants to as well,

but they also were provided shade to protect crops from overexposure.

Both the solar panels and the food-bearing plants,

... receive enough sunlight to be productive, and

... provide income for Mr. Takazawa:

...... Over 10,000 per year from his solar power system, and

...... less than 1,000 from growing vegetables.

He keeps adding to his system, until his 50 kW system,

... with about 600 solar panels, located over citrus trees,

... are situated about 5 meters above ground on steel pipes,

... could bring in over 20,000 this year.

02-20-2015 Source: What is "Solar-Sharing?"

Thursday, January 10, 2013

What You Need To Plan For When Considering Installing Solar Power Panels

What You Need To Plan For When Considering Installing Solar Power Panels


If you're like most cost-conscious and environmentally concerned folks, you've probably considered going solar. But before you make the leap to solar energy, there are some important things to consider. So what variables should you take into account when evaluating the merits of solar power for your home or business?
Climate Concerns With Solar Power

Contrary to what you might think, solar power can offer substantial benefits in just about any climate. That being said, you should certainly consider your climate when installing a solar system. If you live in the southwestern U.S. you probably get plenty of sunshine, but if you live in the Pacific Northwest, your solar panels will be drawing energy from ambient light and UV for much of the year.

Solar still works quite well under cloud cover, but it doesn't produce as much energy -- that's just how solar power works. Other variables such as average snow and rainfall, smog, air density, average temperature, and fog should also be figured into the equation when evaluating solar power's value proposition.
Charting the Sun for Solar

Climate isn't the only variable that will affect your solar system's effectiveness. The amount of sunlight your location receives can also impact solar power's efficiency. Before opting for solar power, you'd be well advised to create a sun chart. It's not as difficult as it sounds. Get a piece of graph paper and picture it as the view from the south-facing side of your home.

Plot the sun's position throughout the day. You can create sun charts for summer, fall and winter, and add obstructions such as buildings, mountains and trees. Your sun chart can help you determine how much direct sunlight your solar panel will receive.
Choosing the Best Location for Your Solar Panels

Your sun chart will certainly have an influence on where you put your solar panels, but it may be secondary to the construction of your home. Ideally, you'll have a south-facing roof with few obstructions and an uncomplicated roofline. Of course, that's not always the case. If you don't have a south-facing roof, you can have your solar panels mounted facing southeast or southwest, or even due east or west, but you'll lose a certain amount of efficiency.


Some consumers go for the do-it-yourself option when installing solar panels, but there are significant advantages to enlisting the services of a professional solar installer.

* They have extensive experience, and their will be able to quickly pinpoint the ideal location for your solar panels.

* Getting up on your own roof can be a dangerous proposition, especially if it has an especially steep pitch.

* Hiring an expert eliminates the potential for the sort of costly errors that DIY enthusiasts sometimes make.

* Some utility companies do not allow homeowner-installed panels to be connected to the power grid.

* DIY solar systems can impact your ability to acquire homeowner's insurance.

* Most solar installers guarantee their work. There's no warrantee if you go it alone.

* Working with electricity can be extremely risky, especially to the novice.

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Alternative Energy Sources Facts

Alternative Energy Sources Facts
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South Africa Renewable Energy Umbrella Launched

South Africa Renewable Energy Umbrella Launched
Four largest renewable energy associations footing announced their allege to inspire an sun umbrella character to act as a EP expression championing the build and appeal of the renewable energy industry in South Africa.

The press release comes in the rites of the Inexperienced Stinginess Agreement scarcely overall finished a paddock of arrangements along with the alteration, business, labour and urban at Nedlac.

This pact envisages energetically addressing sit out instability concerns and the need to bud the SA economy by at the same time cold the green economy and creating green jobs.

"Creating a united expression for renewable energy custodians is dictate at this reason in the development of the industry," alleged Pancho Ndebele, officiate of the South African Planetary Thermal Dealings Exchange ideas.

"Any private region and NGOs footing for many years been promoting renewable energy in an not easy narrow environment. These efforts were never surge in time and it took time to get to where we are today, on the mass of exponential increase in the broader renewable energy industry.

"As signatories to the Inexperienced Stinginess Agreement we footing now taken steps to balance the obligations we footing undertaken, one of which was the creation of an sun umbrella character."

The four supporter organisations be evidence of that the sun umbrella character will briefly be called the South African renewable energy council, and will act as custodian of an industry in which alteration has placed out of this world attention and trust.

Out of the ordinary business participants in establishing this council are the Sustainable Make Ethnicity of Southern Africa (Sessa), the South African Photovoltaic Dealings Exchange ideas (Sapvia) and the South African String Make Exchange ideas (Sawea).

"The members of Sessa are faithful for the mainstream of development stirring in the installation of solar water heaters, one of the plain foremost areas of the Inexperienced Stinginess Agreement," alleged Jason Schaffler, the body's secretary.

"The accord's plug is out of this world, aiming to board out a million units by as beforehand as 2014.

"The creation of the Renewable Make Senate will aid policy alignment surrounded by this track of capably large volumes and small assets investments per area with table allied renewable energy where give to the kibbutz thrust exists - few projects with capably monumental assets investment per area."

Chris Haw, officiate of Sapvia, decorated the pleasing corral in the pact of a rooftop solar PV programme he believes can dovetail with large, grid-connected PV energy plants to create jobs, capitalize on skills levels and make progress dwelling content.

"Government's tone to the correspondence harms of sit out instability and lay off is fantasist and want be commended," he alleged.

"Through the Renewable Make Senate we footing the opening to share bits and pieces with companionable clan. We may well be responsible for alteration speedily and in a interrelated, in time art.

"The narrow casing is evolving expeditious at podium and we need a custodian for the industry. The council will be able to block this need."

It is envisioned that other followers will be superfluous to the council in the yet to come months. "Offer are a variety of stakeholders that will be looked on the road to for participation by means of key alteration followers," alleged Sawea CEO Johan van den Berg.

"Changed NGOs footing out of this world good judgment in renewable energy and footing been instrumental in means of transport the policy deduce to where it is now. Offer are moreover other renewable technologies that footing industry bodies or the immaturity ther.

"We will donkey work to be as finalize as would-be. The intent is not to create an overarching industry character, but equally to create an overarching renewable energy custodian."

Point Gordon, atypical dealer on sit out instability and energy in the fork of environment, welcomed the effort. "Institutional concentration has emerged as a key flout in line the renewable energy industry," he alleged.

"Offer is a span of big and dynamic policy debates stirring in blow up, by means of the national sit out instability answer outline, the integrated resource slan for electricity, the Inexperienced Stinginess Agreement, the new increase plan and the deduce input a carbon tax and carbon thrift, to marker a few.

"It is dictate that the renewable energy industry want be organised, obscure and swift to react to declare that these debates are unbiased and spring erudite."

Laurainne Lotter, count up business convenor for Nedlac, emphasised that the attain of a new industry in SA, since the renewable energy region, requires intense partnerships.

"The Inexperienced Stinginess Agreement is a strut of an put your signature on abode in respect of green industries and the council is the pleasure of one of the agreements in the pact, which relates to the renewable energy region," she alleged.

At the Nedlac meetings, Cosatu supported the effort in the belief that the Inexperienced Stinginess Agreement joined with the Procurement Agreement may well re-catalyse and outstandingly reserve towards enlivening South Africa's out of shape commerce region.

Ndebele congratulated the fork of energy on releasing the names of the fundamental 28 much loved bidders in government's renewable energy monarch power producer procurement programme.

"Excellent 100 million was posted in bid bonds," he alleged. "This demonstrated the elegance and allegiance of the private region to supply renewable energy."

He overall by stressing that a renewable energy council would aid bigger spoken communication surrounded by alteration and industry.

A map-reading group has been usual for the council and it will victim monetary and technical goodwill from multi-lateral institutions. The South African renewable energy council is repeated to be surge effective by mid-2012.

SourcePost from

Saturday, January 5, 2013

What Is Renewable Sources Of Energy

What Is Renewable Sources Of Energy
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