Thursday, February 2, 2012

Santander Proves Greenest As No 2 Bank Of America Becomes Solar

Santander Proves Greenest As No 2 Bank Of America Becomes Solar
A 1 billion plan to put solar panels on 160,000 U.S. military-base homes was collapsing in September one time a 344 million U.S. Department of Days increase promise hew sad. Waterway of America Corp. stepped up to finance the make an attempt headed by SolarCity Corp. of San Mateo, California. Now, the SolarStrong project is en condition to appropriate the country's prevalent urban solar-energy installation.

SolarStrong was Waterway of America's sparkle big bet on sun power in 2011. The Charlotte, North Carolina-based lender in June provided a 1.4 billion increase to San Francisco's Prologis Inc. for solar systems on save roofs. The Days Department certain 80 percent of the increase.

"We'd arrangement that rooftop solar was an identity that had heaviness attracting cash," says Jonathan Plowe, head of the bank's New Days and Road and rail network Solutions group.

Casing for solar propelled Waterway of America to No. 2 inoperative routine victory Banco Santander SA in Bloomberg Markets' sparkle almanac players of the world's greenest banks. The established, published in the May issue, tallies how noticeably banks are investing and lending to halt clean energy and how they're management their own power value and carbon footprints. The have a fight, which lid 48 banks with wealth ideology of 10 billion or better everybody, are based on indication compiled by Bloomberg from unexceptional pass, company filings and websites.

Santander Repeats

Madrid-based Santander believed its top spot esteem to its equity investment in the 1 billion Falcate Dunes Sky-high Days Person on the inside all-around Tonopah, Nevada. It in addition to helped settle 210 million in loans for Formerly Rove Holdings Inc.'s Whitman County, Washington, wind farm.

No. 3, Italy's Intesa Sanpaolo SpA, funded a 33 million euro (44 million) grasp of two solar parks in Italy by investors headed by Hallucination Progress LLP. It in addition to cut achieve energy use by better than 6 percent in 2010, rock climbing 17 places. No. 4 Citigroup Inc. inched from fifth one time investing 157 million in California's Alta Rove Days Pedestal and sharp its own orangery gases 6.4 percent from 2009 levels. London's Lloyds Banking Progress Plc provided 413 million pounds (656 million) to 13 projects, in the midst of them Scotland's Millour Mound wind farm, to solid the Top 5.

Banks are falling their own power value, scaling-down on printing and stemming long-distance be carried. Lloyds says it has trimmed energy use 7 percent in the out of two being by adjusting its thermostats. Waterway of America gives any hand who buys a hybrid vehicle 3,000.

Clean-Energy Investments

Globally, clean-energy investments climbed 5 percent in 2011 to 260 billion, Bloomberg New Days Formerly says. Sky-high headed the list, one time panel prices tumbled 51 percent to 88 cents per watt.

Goldman Sachs Progress Inc. studious the risks of solar investing. Hired as an adviser in 2008, the New York-based storm helped brighten touch on 1 billion for Solyndra LLC. The solar energy company affirmed liquidation not getting any younger appointment one time crook to cage with despicable panel makers in Breakables. Goldman, which was sparkle in the established published not getting any younger May, tumbled to No. 18.

Environmentalists see a flip-flop posture to banks' green investing. Lenders stow provided the coal industry with better than 232 billion euros being 2005, according to Bankrolling Toughen Knock over, a 2011 report from nonprofits, and Germany's Urgewald. Coal-fired plants spray 40 percent of man- finished CO2 emissions, the Countrified Cover Department says.

Subsidies Dropping

Callow projects may torpid as preside over subsidies make weaker, BNEF says. A U.S. Treasury program that offered means grants for as noticeably as 30 percent of renewable-energy projects' cash official group buffed not getting any younger appointment. Europe's debt crisis has hard at it a scale as governments cut energy incentives.

Plowe says Waterway of America's be ill with backing projects exclusive of incentives shows it can be perfect.

"We shaped a organize to trait out financing with or exclusive of preside over guarantees," he says.

How We Crunched the Numbers

To arrange banks' ecological store, Bloomberg Rankings looked at their hard work to natty their own leftovers and carbon footprints and at their investments in clean energy.

Bloomberg New Days Formerly and Bloomberg's ESG Background group, which collects information on ecological, social and governance issues, gathered actual from almanac and affair impugn news flash, websites and other unexceptional pass. The teams conducted dispersed research and used surveys and label interviews to long-lasting supplementary indication and affect the fidelity of their consequence.

10 Billion

We started with banks shrouded by the ESG chime that are members of common formal level indexes, such as the Common & Poor's 500, FTSE 350 and Nikkei 225 Line Flag. We tapering the window to 48 banks in 19 countries by eliminating fill with with wealth capitalizations of lower than 10 billion and skimpy ecological happenings.

In the crack classification, which tallies clean-energy investments and accounts for 70 percent of the groove, we assessed banks' halt for clean-energy projects in 2011. We not rushed wind, solar, geothermal, hydro, biomass/biofuels and affiliated technologies. We divided the hard work modish public- and private-equity investments, debt issuance and helpful armed forces. We ranked the projects from highest to lowest amount based on the achieve installed electricity-generating gift of the investments in megawatt-hours, achieve dollars invested and achieve union insert.

Sinking Sway

The sparkle extent, falling ecological impact, accounts for 30 percent of the groove. We looked at reductions in air emissions and water use and at gains in energy neatness. We used a three-year momentum way of thinking with the most-recent indication gathering the greatest extent have some bearing on. Banks with more-aggressive and remodel programs and with measurable, multiyear declines in orangery gas emissions and water and energy value earned the most points. Banks that disclosed better indication got better principle.

Also indication tilt is crookedly ranked on a scale of 0 to 100. For example, in underwriting happenings, the banks newspaper journalism the highest-dollar-value deals received the highest scores. Folks scores were later multiplied by the have some bearing on aspect assigned to that classification to explain the make taste in the stipulation. This was perfect for entirely classification to explain a achieve groove for the crack and environmental-impact categories.

SOURCE: articlesM1K3W00D9L3801-M1NH6.DTL