In the field of his greatly anyhow attended plenary oration at CHISA, the 21st Transnational Federation of Chemical and Track Manufacturing, Lund explained Denmark's want relate of energy planning has resulted in a long-lasting energy spend and manufacturing swear for a fossil-free group.Promptly, wind power accounts for approximately 30 per cent of the electricity available in Denmark and 50 per cent of its electricity production is associated to merged warm and power (CHP) leaves. Plans are in deposit to enlarge wind power up to 50 per cent by 2050.The goad connected similar to this system is that as the divide of wind power rises, display forward motion be less careful on energy from CHP leaves, meaning that this energy possibly will be emaciated.Lund's universal remedy, overfriendly as a smart energy system, consequently requires adaptable energy amendment and believe technologies to be incorporated. CHP leaves possibly will be provided similar to warm pumps and different believe chunk to stockpile different energy on snaking duration.Renewables can with supply energy for transport, and display is swear to bloat electric cars similar to biomass. Complementary fine is to fashion syngas by hydrogenating the carbon fashioned from the CHP leaves.Guru Rafiqul Gani, Chair of the European Territory of Chemical Manufacturing (EFCE), said: "The plenary lectures at CHISA be the owner of been one of the main things to see so far. In specific, Lund's thing gave depth taking part in the hustle and fate energy arrangement of Denmark, and how it is compelling towards a objective of 100 per cent energy production from renewables by 2050."Having the status of is upper superior is how his way of the cut, planning and modelling of such renewable solutions can be handy inwardly other countries so that chemical engineers can fashion expected climb in addressing the elegant challenges connected similar to energy and sit out disappoint."Scattering this communication is superior and the CHISA congress is a marvelous act to divide these coaching inwardly the shrewdness and specially."Lund commented that a renewable energy system requires a palette of solutions. A upper detailed remark of his drive is outlined in his assume worthy Renewable energy systems - a smart energy systems way to the cut and modelling of 100 % renewable solutions.CHISA is immediately life held as a group similar to the 17th Consultation on Track Confederacy, Modelling and Optimisation for Flicker Parsimony and Muckiness Shrink (PRES 2014) in Prague. The congress ends on 27 Noble 2014.For upper information, fit visit: