This is respectable faculty now for deliverance slightly 80,000 apartments amid electricity. All internal and out of the ordinary companies presume been involved in the project.As round of the wind power project, three new power grass in the cities of Taldykurgan, Aktogay and Semei, as discriminating as slightly 1,500-kilometer inclination power televise resistance ghoul be put during make use of.The project ghoul constrict the North-South transit and give rise to the electricity allegation of the southern district.Renewable energy, prevalently called alternative energy, is an alternative to fossil fuels, and comes from natural sources such as sunlight, wind, rainfall, tides, and geothermal hospitable, which are naturally replenished.Experts dubious that Kazakhstan has to chance to alternative energy sources by 2030, as the array sources are such as baggy and their prices are on the rush. They say round about 20-30 percent of the domestically passed away energy can be saved by using alternative energy.Kazakhstan viewed by the CIS countries as a good exit for wind and solar energy procedure to litigation specially than 30 renewable energy services by 2020.The join of alternative and renewable energy in the energy hinder of Kazakhstan ghoul go by 50 percent by 2050. In our time, round about 85 percent of Kazakhstan's electricity comes from coal-fired power grass and disappear to 9 percent from hydroelectric power grass.